Dear diary! I'm happy and excited today, yesterday I managed to do what I've been wanting to do for a long time, i.e. to build a curated collection of #gameb quotes.
In a way this has been my intuition all along: if you build good sensemaking tools, this will also increase your expressive capacity, thus your influence. Which draws interest in the sensemaking tool, which in turn increases everyone's sensemaking capacity.
Now I'm trying to process the "so what" of that article. I think that more work can be done towards grasping recursive OODA.
An important aspect I didn't address in the article is learning. There is a cool interview by future thinkers where he talks about applying the learning process to learning, which strikes me as being the same thing.
Also, VCoLs (virtual cycles of learning) seem to be relevant - a key concept in lectica, by Zak Stein, a close collaborator of Hall
But what I'm wondering about right now is the unlearning capacity that seems to be needed if you want to embody recursive OODA
I have no problem with the idea of being a lifelong learner. But a lifelong unlearner? I don't know how that "works".
It seems to be a collective condition, that we are unable/unwilling to unlearn, to change our mind (metanoia), to face not-knowing.
And this is where Hall's "infinitesimal courage" idea is important. To lean into the almost imperceptible discomfort that reveals the potential for not-knowing.
Buddhist deconstructing awareness+acceptance into emptiness seems relevant too.
Theory U, reaching the bottom of the U
To dwell, linger with the hardenings of mind, to let them melt till they be fluid.
Connecting to source = building on something solid = putting your feet square = relying on deep sovereignty
Jordan Peterson's map of meaning is relevant, too. If you read the book, a key phenomenological element is anomaly, the ambivalent thing, the thing that doesn't fit the map. The portal into the real world.
And the most important thing seems to be our relationship to anomaly. Is it a denying/pushing-aside relationship, or is it an attentive+truthful one. I'd add caring/loving.
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