If you have been wondering how it is that the Conservatives can be so brazen in their lies, so shameless in their attack on your rights and livelihoods and democratic norms, so casual in their corruption, consider things, if you can, from their point of view. (thread) /1
“We’ve always stretched the truth,” they bray. “We’re allowed to, because politics is a messy business and people are stupid and we know best.
“We’ve always taken backhanders from big business. What else do you think the parliamentary lobbies are for? /2
“We’ve always struck shady deals with foreign powers and sold out our country in return for the original copy of the tape. That’s just how the world *works*.
“We’ve always done our best to deny ordinary people basic rights. (The bastard EU put a stop to that for a while, but /3
we showed them, eh?)
“All we’re doing now is … the same, only bigger. Quite a lot bigger. And better, because now we have access to exabytes of data about our voters. And a controlling hand in just about every major media outlet in the country.” /4
This, at least, is the only way we can account for the casual swagger, chicanery and thuggery of the likes of Redwood, Duncan-Smith, Hannan, Patel, Johnson, Rees-Mogg and Crimes.

They genuinely do not believe think they are doing anything wrong - because they are the elite, /5
born to rule, entitled by school or sexual favour to grow fat on the sweat of the masses, and normal standards do not apply to them. /E
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