Its only been my third year here in SK but you just couldn't help but get used to these things from day 1

speaking from real experience here:
i had like a homestay punya program organised by the uni that i went to study for language so ada peluang stay with a korean family for 1 day, good thing they are a good family and while we were having dinner, the mother exposed whatever there is about koreans that...
i should know. first thing she said: "Koreans hate Koreans. Majority of us here are two-faced and you shouldn't trust people so easily. Koreans are so obsessed about self accomplishment and that is why you can see that most of them are so selfish. I am quite surprised that..
when you said (i told her that for some reason Malaysian ni sangat memandang tggi org korea 🙄) ". then she continued "Kami pun sama. Most koreans sangat memuja orang putih and if you mention "foreigner", first thing that comes to mind will always be "서양인" (read: westerner)...
"you think we ever thought about Malaysia? No. Indonesia? No. Thailand? No. The only thing we know about your country is only Kota Kinabalu, itupun ada certain korean yg tak tahu pun kota kinabalu tu dalam malaysia. The way I see it, org luar bnyak kena sugarcoated by..
everything that is shown on tv or even online haa see like that drama over there (kebetulan time tu tv tgh siar prime time k drama), ingat org korea semua macam tu? Its good that people see us as dreamy and too good to be true but to the extend of thinking that all koreans..
are the same tu memang tak boleh lah. Just remember, Koreans dont favor foreigner that much unless you are "white". hmm tak terkunyah kimbap aku makan time dengar dia cakap the whole time.
the ability to speak korean is a plus though kalau duduk korea like people will straight away respect but thats it. that doesnt cast away the fact that they meluat dgan foreigner dalam diam..trylah masuk teksi biasa yg i think mostly semua foreigner tak kiralah student ke pekerja
masuk saja teksi terus kena halau tak bagi naik sbb taknak foreigner..sedangkan dah tunjuk address kot and even yg boleh cakap korea pun nak cakap address terus tak sempat alasannya sbb ada penumpang lain nak naik. tapi kat teksi tulis "빈차" (read: vacant).
mostly kalau student mmg boleh relate dgan discrimination dalam uni. banyak dah dengar crita kawan kena reject masuk "동아리" (read: kelab persatuan) and the reason is solely because dia foreigner. thats it. Jangan cakap kami taknak interact dgan local, dah local yg taknak..
nak deal dengan lecturer apa lagi. Kelas tu pun dalam nama saja ditulis "will be conducted in English" tapi haram jadah satu hapak english pun tak keluar. bila nak bantah, dibalas "foreigner brapa ekor dalam kelas ni? kau sorg saja kan? so lets proceed in korean lah". this really
happened ya. nak buat apa haa terngaga lah sorg2 terciduk tak paham haram content kelas. dalam otak tgh translate bahasa korea at the same time nak proses info apa yg dah ditranslate ha memang lah bnda yg spatutnya blajar 10 minit jadi 30 minit.
lecturer yg bagus pun ada. walaupun tak reti english tapi gigih explain satu2 kat student foreigner walaupun dalam broken english..baru lecturer, belum sampai nak kena buat team project lagi aa sudah kat sini lah boleh tahu teammate tu talam dua muka ke tidak
mostly trick yg sama sahaja kami yg student ni buat. time discussion jangan cakap bahasa lain selain english and tengok apa reaction diorang. if you are lucky ha dapat lah teammate yg terang2 depan2 menyumpah dalam korean as if kita tak faham apa diorang cakap..
ill continue later..currently ada kelas
there are a few uni yg buat course dedicated only for foreign students and international students (usually short sem) but guess what..masuk kelas kira lah batang hidung foreign student mmg takkan sampai langsung 10 org
i once met a korean masa pergi keluar minum and he mentioned about that exact same class yg sepatutnya dikhaskan utk international student but ramai korean yg berebut? why? 1 sebab bagi diorang less competition and senang nak skor sbb mostly class international ni dia punya..
grading bukan strict sangat pun. Then aku pun tanyalah kenapa semua pakat nak berebut habis tu yg student international ni nak ambik apa? guess what his response is: "ala biarlah diorang ni korea kot buat apa nak kisah org luar, foreign student pun kan mmg datang sini nak..
berseronok hahaha". good thing i didnt spit out my soju in front of him that time. he was a bit tipsy so maybe dia tak sedar kot dia tercakap bnda tu..
banyak lagi subtle things yg better to be left unsaid..everywhere you go mesti akan ada bad side of a society yg tak terdedah secara umum
and im grateful to all those koreans that i know yg mmg nice and friendly, sentiasa tolong kalau ada masalah huhu blending in a different society mmg takes time but the moment you dive in then barulah mata terbukak boleh nampak semua baik buruk
korea is not just about oppa and prince riding on horses..minat boleh tapi jangan sampai dikabur fantasi yg entah betul entah bukan wow terasa bijak huhu ㅠ.ㅠ
to those 녀속들 yg carut time discussion as if org tak paham tu aa SHIBALLOMA AGARI DDAK DDAE HAISHHH JONNA JOTTKATEN SAEKKIDERA JINJJA
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