There are phones and there are iPhones 📱

Shoes and Jordans 👟

Purses and Prada bags 👛

One does the same as the other but one is sold at a premium

Want to know why?

Keep reading
@apple, @nike, and @Prada know you can buy a cheaper product that is just as functional as theirs

But they have created more than a product

They have created a BRAND
Having a brand lets them IMMEDIATELY increase the value of an object

All they have to do is put their logo on it

How can they do this?

They are instantly recognizable

Their logos are

-1 Solid Color

Their brand tells a story

If you own Apple you must know about technology

If you buy Jordans you must be athletic

If you buy Prada you must know about fashion
There is no test you must take to prove this is true

But the brand makes you believe so when you see someone using their products

And by buying it, maybe others will think the same of you!

They stick to their vision

They know the lifestyle they sell and they use it everywhere

In there ads

In their packaging

In who they endorse

Every move they make points to their vision

This enforces the image even more
This is just a few of the powers a brand will give you

You can go to school and spend 4 years learning about marketing

Or you can buy The Branding Blueprint by @wizofecom and learn just how to do it faster and cheaper!

You can follow @GumroadReview.
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