No, Trump’s been a disaster for human rights across the world: praising dictators, undermining international bodies that can protect rights…

And a disaster for human rights at home, too: locking kids in cages, attacking the free press, threatening protesters with violence...
67 member countries of the International Criminal Court have issued a joint statement in response to Trump's appalling executive order authorizing sanctions against ICC officials.

(Yes, Trump’s actually trying to punish people for fighting war crimes.)
And don’t forget: when Pompeo headed the CIA, he refused to reject torture.

And the next person Trump chose to run the CIA, Gina Haspel, was best known for her direct involvement in torturing people.
The Trump administration is directly attacking internationally protected human rights, and Pompeo’s State Department even created a special commission to drive the attack.
I could go on and on...

Read our last World Report on the US:

Pompeo is simply lying.

From the very start, the Trump administration has been a wrecking ball to the very idea of human rights, at home and abroad.
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