I’ve seen this around but it’s a bit misleading. The one Louisville “polling place” is the Kentucky Exposition Center, better known as the state fairgrounds. It’s enormous and centrally located. They ran free buses to it all day. https://twitter.com/ilhan/status/1275491816352202754
I feel like everyone is missing the part about every Kentuckian being allowed to (and encouraged to) vote by mail https://twitter.com/mmescience/status/1275752327698358272?s=21 https://twitter.com/mmescience/status/1275752327698358272
But this does affect the well-off white parts of Louisville as well! https://twitter.com/emmanuelfelton/status/1275721901781012480?s=21 https://twitter.com/emmanuelfelton/status/1275721901781012480
I was alarmed when I heard the “one polling place” thing. I grew up in Louisville (the rich white part, bussed in elementary school to Booker’s 40203). Racism and voter suppression in Kentucky are real. But the Louisville NAACP President had this to say: https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2020/06/22/kentucky-officials-refute-primary-voter-suppression-claims/3235183001/
The main thing from a COVID standpoint is that it seems KY prioritized mail-in ballots (which is good!) and that holding all the county’s voting at the fairgrounds seems to have avoided long lines. If there’s evidence of racist suppression in the numbers though I’ll call it out.
See now this is a problem if widespread. https://twitter.com/meredithdclark/status/1275780585613660162?s=21 https://twitter.com/meredithdclark/status/1275780585613660162
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