For all those who think that taking herbal products to boost immunity will prevent them from having Corona infection: Here's a short session on how immunity works in the body. A little long thread, so bear with me.
Immunity refers to the body's ability to fight pathogens. Every time the body gets exposed to a new pathogen, the body tries to produce an antibody towards the pathogen.
Typically the antibody is directed against an antigen, which is either located on the surface of the pathogen or secreted by it. Antigens are either proteins or carbohydrates in nature, usually.
The antibodies produced against surface antigens, attach themselves to the antigens on the surface of the pathogen, and serves the purpose of tagging the pathogen.
Once tagged, after a series of chemical signals, immune cells swallow the pathogen and kill them by hitting them with free oxygen radicals in a controlled setting within the cell. This leads to disruption of the chemical structure of the pathogen, thereby neutralising it.
The other antibody which targets the secreted antigens, binds with the antigen, to form an antigen-antibody complex. This binding of antibody to the antigen, induces changes in the structure of the antigen, thereby preventing the ability of the antigen to cause destruction.
This antigen-antibody complex is excreted from the body.

To summarize, we need antibodies to fight against the pathogens. Antigens are either proteins or carbohydrates. Antibodies can be against a surface antigen or a secreted antigen that causes destruction to the body.
One important thing to remember is that antibodies are produced only after the exposure of the immune system to the antigens produced by the pathogen. And this process usually takes time, a matter of weeks to months depending on the type of antibody produce.
It takes time because the cells have to iterate through different permutations and combinations of antibody structure to produce the ideal antibody to neutralise the particular antigen.
And once an antibody is produced by the body, it is stored into immune memory, as if it was a database of antigens. This memory helps recruiting the required cells required to produce antibodies in superfast times, when the body is exposed to the pathogen a 2nd time or more.
Vaccines confers immunity by utilising the same ideas. Active immunization means injecting antigens into the body to stimulate the body to produce antibodies. These are usually long lasting. Passive immunization means injecting antibodies directly into the body.
Now let's come to Coronavirus. This is a virus which the humankind has never interacted with ever since the beginning of time. So the probability of us having some prior antibodies against this virus is almost or most certainly zero.
So, if we're going to assume that some herbal or vitamin supplement is going to boost the immunity, the only way it can help is by making sure that the antibody producing cells already present in the immune memory are prepped and ready to go.
Given that producing antibody towards one antigen takes a matter of weeks, and given that the number of antigens that can exist in nature based on different permutations and combinations of protein structures is infinite, it is simply not possible for...
...any immunity boosting agent to stimulate the production of specific antibodies against Coronavirus, prior to the body's exposure to Coronavirus.

And if no specific antibodies are produced beforehand, you cannot prevent an infection by Corona, by taking any supplement.
Boosting your immune system might help with fighting against pathogens your body has already been exposed to but not against a pathogen which the immune system has never encountered (aka Coronavirus).
So I hope it's all clear now. Now you can make an informed decision as to whether you want to by an immunity boosting supplement or not.

Immunity is a very complex subject and I've tried to simplify it as much as possible.
And pardon the minor typos.
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