Wanna know why babies/toddlers are so grabby and why they put everything in their mouth. This is a natural instinct from babies and it’s actually for a reason. You might not know this soo listen.(Thread)⬇️
From birth babies have no immune system and no gut microbiome at all so they have to develop it. The body has a natural instinct to develop it. And it does it through babies grabbing things,putting things in its mouth and getting dirty.
Naturally we’re suppose to be outside in the environment on the soil and grass. We all know soil/dirt have different species of bacteria in them. If you know what terrain theory is you know exactly where am going.
When babies crawl around and get dirty that’s them building their immune system. The babies skin, whole body is now familiar with the bacteria in environment. And the more they do it, the more robust the immune system becomes. What about the eating part?
We all know the gut is also part of the immune system. You see, that’s why babies always put things in their mouth. Naturally where suppose to be outside on the dirt. So basically babies would be putting dirt/soil in their mouth.
Dirt/soil have many different species of bacterias in them and we know the microbiome is just different species of bacteria in the gut. You see, babies want to establish their gut microbiome and immune system that’s why they always put things in their mouth.
But there’s a certain age babies stop putting things in their mouth. So when their young is when babies NEED to be outside in nature. This is just a testimony to how smart the body is. Babies don’t just grab things just to put it in their mouth. It’s for a reason
This is also why it’s not a good idea to keep your baby/toddler too clean. You gotta let them play outside on the grass. Humans are meant to be outside in nature. Hope this was informative 😊
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