SANTA CLARITA, 3-Jun: Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s deputy Andrew Stowers pulls over driver Josh Sude and threatens to pepper spray him.

All this over a 5ph speeding ticket.

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Part 2 of @joshsude’s encounter with Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s deputy Andrew Stowers. This is absolutely wild.
1. In California and most other states, a minor traffic violation is an infraction, not a crime. The cop cannot arrest you or put you in jail for it.

2. The cop CAN order you to exit the vehicle. He does not need a suspicion.

3. The officer CANNOT use unreasonable force.

4. This officer was clearly frustrated and had his ego bruised. He takes his eyes off the driver several times, a clear indication that he’s not in fear for his safety.

5. A better cop would have de-escalated and used his words.

6. They illegally searched the man’s vehicle.
7. Policing is not as dangerous of a job as people think. It is statistically less dangerous than being a bartender, garbage collector, roofer, etc

8. Only 27% of cops fire their weapon in their whole careers

9. Relevant case law: Pennsylvania v Briggs; Brendlin v. California.
10. You have a right to ask the police why they are giving a lawful order. You do NOT legally have to immediately and robotically comply with every order given.

11. A better cop would have handled this using his words. The immediate escalation to force is dangerous for everyone.
12. The cop should be disciplined for not checking his equipment prior to starting his shift.

13. It’s not unreasonable to expect more professionalism from cops. Your average club bouncer deals with multiple drunk, violent people each night without using weapons. Using words.
14. If a cop orders you out of your vehicle, it’s not illegal to ask why.

If a cop is acting aggressively, YOU can also de-escalate. You don’t need to ratchet up the tension.

If they insist, calmly exit the vehicle and lock it behind you once all occupants are out of the car.
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