So- a short chat about that photo circulating re: Nixon & that 'Canadian' confederate flag at the anti-carbon tax rally on the weekend.

Listen. I don't like the UCP. So I'm predisposed to look at that photo & think "of COURSE he's hanging around with confederate flag flyers."
That was, indeed, my first thought. But after I asked a question about the photo, @TeachMrR mentioned Nixon was telling those folks off. So... I did some more clicking around until I found the article that directly quoted Mr. Nixon.

Sure enough, here's the quote:
"Wildrose MLA Jason Nixon spoke during the anti-carbon tax rally, and says he also spoke briefly with the people carrying the flag, who he says were apart from the main crowd.

Nixon says he let them know he wasn't impressed and says he condemns the "racist imagery."
My first thought about Mr. Nixon and this photo was wrong. I WANTED to believe that thought, because it fit my narrative. But I was wrong.

Look - the UCP do PLENTY of crap we can be mad at them for. They vilify themselves on the regular with their ridiculous actions. BUT.
When they actually do something right- like calling out racism- that should be the story that is told.

Do I like that he was speaking at an anti carbon tax rally? No. The whole thing is silly. Do I like his past actions re: parks, etc? NO.

But he did the right thing here.
(Addendum: that rally was held in 2016, not last weekend, as indicated by the term “Wildrose MLA.” Not that the timing matters much but just a point of reference. The photo was circulating this past weekend but it’s an old story.)
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