Talked with a lady this evening whose doctor had exposed her to such intense #PROPaganda that she had been conditioned to believe that taking #OpioidRxs automatically made her an addict. In order to please her Dr she took herself off of #OpioidRxs when she was in severe pain.
Since she stopped taking pain meds she is barely able to move. Her inability to tolerate the pain from exercise has made her very frail which resulted in many falls and injuries leading to more pain and less activity. I explained to her that taking pain meds does NOT make her an
I explained that taking pain meds does NOT make her an addict. In fact an addict keeps doing the drug which harms them, but a pain patient takes a pain med which returns their #QOL and strength, but I asked her to consider her situation in this way:
Even if the #PROPaganda lie were true that even taking a med meant addiction even though it returned a person’s #QOL and strength while saving them from constant severe pain, suicidal thoughts, and complications which would kill them: would she rather take the medicine
Would she rather take the medicine to have normal #QOL without constant agony while avoiding early death from complications of untreated severe pain, or would she rather not take the meds and live in constant agony just so that #PROPagandists would not label her? She said she ..
She said she would rather take the medicine which allowed her to have a normal life and other people who wanted to judge her could go fishing. Well, she didn’t say ‘fishing’. I hope her Dr still remembers what being a Dr means and will give her the medicine she needs. #IPP
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