Tulip Bulb Mania Meet CERB

My eldest son finds an old acquaintance to cut his hair today for cash

She has been on CERB since Salons were locked down

"What you been doing" he asks

"When I'm not styling at home for cash I've been day trading on TD Waterhouse"

"It's going great, I bought in right after the crash and it's been so good, I got a couple of the other stylists trading from home, it's so easy to make money, it's all on IG you can just watch videos"

Son leaves wondering WTF

Talks to laid off former employee

She is on CERB: also day trading and loving it

Both of these people are solid, folks who just had some time on their hands for the last 3 months and saw YouTube stuff

No offense to them at all but before March they thought the TSX was the channel that the reporters

made fun of celebrities

My son said this is the same as the Old Joe Kennedy and the Shoeshine story

I thought it was a bit more like Tulip Bulbs swapped for houses

So we can all quit wondering why the Stock Market and RE in GTA and GVA are rolling

David Portnoy rules
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