Gating criteria for each stage of Idaho Rebounds includes the case trend from a closed 14-day period. The most recent period (6/10-6/23) just ended.

There is no longer any ambiguity about which way cases are trending in Idaho. #idpol #idahocovid19
The state's fitted line method shows cases trended down in each of the previous periods, though the relationship was weak more recently. #idahocovid19 #idpol
Looking at the trend more broadly, there was a short period of decline after the state got its initial case spike, followed by a month of slow growth (also fair to call it a plateau). #idpol #idahocovid19
Maybe this was all mostly obvious, but the description of Idaho's case trend has been in question for a while.

From my view, the latest period amounts to an increase in growth rate, rather than the reversal of a downward trend. #idpol #idahocovid19
Note: the numbers I used are confirmed and probable cases by report date from IDHW. This seems to differ slightly from the graphs used in the gating criteria reports, but directionally it’s similar. #idpol #idahocovid19
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