I'm about to block 100+ people and thought I should first explain why.

I'll start by retweeting someone I do NOT intend to block. This is a good example of how grown-ups disagree respectfully. This person strongly disagrees with me, so they make cogent (cont'd) https://twitter.com/HotSwapGaming/status/1275547688881098752
2/...arguments expressing an opposing view. Nothing wrong with that, and I respect your right to your opinion, @HotSwapGaming.

But it literally took me 20+ minutes of sifting thru hatred and vitriol to find just ONE civilized response to cite as exemplifying respectful discourse
3/ This all started when I retweeted a video by a teenager whom I thought was particularly succinct in calling BS on the hypocrisy crisis that has gripped society.

Now for the record, I disagree with her on a whole LOT. She was very one-sided, and obviously a Trump supporter.
4/ Her many examples of absurd hypocrisy were all left-critical. My own view is that the political right and left are BOTH equally guilty of an astonishing degree of hypocrisy and double-standards.

But I thought she was quite articulate and concise despite being one-sided so I
5/ re-tweeted her thinking others might be able to see past her one-sided political orientation and appreciate the clarity of her message about hypocrisy going out of control in society.

I literally could not find a single other example (besides the retweet at the top of this
6/thread) of a civilized reply from someone who didn't appreciate her views.

Obviously, if people want to debate HER message, the place for that would be in the comments under the ORIGINAL tweet I re-tweeted. But instead I my feed was overrun by an astonishing number of bitter,
7/ angry, vicious attacks against my character for having the audacity to retweet something which 35k other people also re-tweeted.

Look folks, I just don't have time for this. Everyone on EITHER side of the argument who resorted to rude comments and who disrespected me or
8/ other civilized people in the thread are about to be blocked without warning, explanation, or apology. Future replies to this thread will result in instant blocks as well. If you dislike HER message, go take it up in HER comment thread. If you dislike ME for retweeting her,
9/ then for heaven's sake, just unfollow me or block me or unsubscribe from my podcast or whatever it is that makes you feel better. But show just a modicum of maturity by doing that quietly, without making a spectacle of yourself in my feed.
10/ What I found quite amusing was the number of people trying to threaten or punish me by unfollowing. One guy even made a screen capture of himself unsubscribing from my podcast just so he could share his temper tantrum with the entire Twitter universe! Others threatened to
11/ unfollow me.

Look, people stop the silly threats. Just unfollow me. I'm not paid to be on twitter. I don't want or need followers, and I couldn't care less if you unfollow, block, unsubscribe, or whatever else allows you to express your temper tantrum.
12/ I USED to post a lot of free information that a lot of people found valuable. I've mostly stopped, specifically because each time I try and start a conversation with other professional traders on Twitter, the conversation is almost instantly invaded by a bunch of ignorant
13/ imbeciles who generally didn't even understand the nuance of the trading conversation I was trying to start with other professionals. They hijack my threads asking utterly stupid questions, generally amouting to "What do you think WTI will do next", when I had just given a
14/ 10-minute detailed answer to that question on a podcast published 12 hours earlier!

So if anything, I'd love to have LESS stupid people following me, not more. So please stop THREATENING to unfollow. Just do it. While you're at it, block me and unsubscribe from MacroVoices.
15/ I don't want or need followers. I don't get paid to be on twitter. I USED to enjoy giving away free information that helped other people, because most of those people seemed to appreciate it. But I've given up because every time I post anything the slightest bit nuanced,
16/ my feed is filled with ignorant tweets from people who completely missed the concept being discussed.

So for crying out loud, if you dislike me or my tweets or whatever, please just unfollow me, block me, and leave me alone.
16/ I apologize in advance to anyone who has been respectful who gets blocked. I have 100+ accounts to block and don't have time for this. Some collateral damage is unavoidable, so please forgive me if I block you and you didn't do anything wrong.
17/ I also want to be clear that my reason for blocking so many people is NOT intended to be punitive. I simply don't have time or interest in the infantile argument that has broken out in my notifications feed, and blocking is the easiest way to make it go away. Nothing personal
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