I kind of... don't like the emphasis in leftist spaces on "you must be reading all the time, reading is the most important thing you can do as a leftist and if you're not widely-read you're doing it wrong" it smacks of ableism to me
reading isn't the only valid way to consume information. People aren't "lesser" if they learn about leftist theory through means they find more accessible, like documentaries or podcasts or youtube videos or social media. There are so many reasons why someone might not be able +
to sit down and just fuckin read Marx. Even if you count audiobooks as reading (which a lot of people Don't) like... people with ADHD & other exec function disorders exist, working class people who work multiple jobs/long hours, or have childcare/caring responsibilities exist, +
and they frequently have very little spare time, and not a whole lot of energy to use in that spare time. Some people just don't have the mental bandwidth after a long day to sit and engage with complex texts in the hour of free time they have before they go to bed. That +
doesn't make them bad or inferior leftists. People with dyslexia exist. People with learning disabilities exist. People with other disabilities, who have to use their limited spoons for more immediate things and don't have any left over for academic reading, exist
If you're mad that people haven't ~read xyz text~ then use the energy you're currently employing to browbeat disabled people to instead create accessible resources for us to access that information.
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