This is the clearest framing of pandemic ICU access equity I’ve read. If you’re involved in ICU triage at any level, pandemic or not, its content is recommended:
‘ICU admission is a scarce rationed resource so must be good’. Scarcity sells, to patients and the clinicians charged with caring for them.
Clinicians are inevitably subject to cognitive bias. You want the 'best' for your patient and if ICU resources are scarce it must be because they are 'best'.
ICU - just one long rollercoaster ride of fun.
Which comes down to what is ICU for. Is it to save as many lives as possible? Or to save less lives but do so with equal access to ICU for all? And at what cost survival?

Twitter is of course the best place to have this highly emotive & nuanced debate.
You can follow @psirides.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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