I'm gonna say somethings about contentment. It may be a thread but I'm not sure yet.

The life we dream for ourselves in the future is beautiful and nice and amazing.

But what is more amazing, is the life you have NOW. With all the flaws and heartbreaks everything.
It's a gift. Enjoy it. I'm not saying we should have no ambition. But we're really promised tomorrow. Enjoy the life you have now while working for what you want.

Quit worrying about the future. Where you are now is beautiful.
Maybe you're dreaming of someone else's life. The truth is you can't see the full story. For every accomplishment comes responsibility and some of those people are carrying responsibilities that would terrify you.
Enjoy the fact that you can sleep 10 hours today.
Enjoy the fact today that you don't have a spouse to answer to.
Enjoy the fact that you can spend aimless hours on social media today.
It won't always be like this.

Be content where you are. It's the most beautiful place.
Turms out it was a thread.
Sorry to burst your bubble but life is not short. They'll be enough time to do other things. They'll be time for adventure, getting married, making money, crying, and all those other things.

Don't miss the season you're in right now. Please don't.
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