Being so focused on the current chaos, I thought it would be helpful to look at the amazing patents the US Navy filed for last year. These have the potential to change our world in every possible way. It would immediately clean up our planet. First the compact fusion reactor.
This compact fusion reactor is the size of a typical room in a house. Powerful charges of electricity are focused on a point the size of the tip of a needle. Once enough energy is sent it creates a plasma ball of energy, much like a star.
This plasma ball can produce up to 4 terrawatts of electricity. For perspective the largest power plant in the US is Palo Verde in Arizona. It produces up to 3.93 gigawatts. Meaning the compact fusion reactor can create almost 4,000 times more energy than Palo Verde.
What we are talking about here is technology that could power entire cities. We would go green immediately if this technology actually works. Many speculate it doesn't, but is this the first real attempt by white hats to disclose this technology to the world?
Next we have the piezoelctric room temperature superconcuctor. Basically by vibrating a wire that is insulated by aluminum this invention can transfer vast amounts of energy at a comfortable 72 degrees or so.
"This concept enables the transmission of electrical power without any losses and exhibits optimal thermal management (no heat dissipation)"
The patents were filed for by Salvatore Cesar Pais. Only one picture of him exists online. According to David Wilcok his name means "the savior of our nation." Now hold on to your seats, because these next two inventions, if they work, will take us into a Star Trek age.
High frequency gravitational wave generator. This patent basically uses electro-gravitic waves and bounces them off of each other to be used for propulsion. The speeds created might be upwards of Mach 28. That's over 21,000 mph.
Some think the speeds can go in excess of over 50,000 miles and hour. At Mach 28 you could travel from LA to London in about 9 minutes. But if you are travelling at that speed, even the tiniest grain of sand would rip a whole in your ship and destroy it.
No human could possibly deal with the G-forces created from speeds like this. So Cesar Pais also filed for this patent- An inertial mass reduction device. Basically it creates conditions inside the ship that counteract the G-forces.
The inertial mass reduction device works by sending sound waves though an argon filled chamber along the outside of a craft. This creates a plasma field that not only counteracts gravity inside the ship, it shields the ship like a force field from things outside of it.
According to the patent this means the ship could travel in the air, water, or space and not have to worry about being torn apart by debris. It also means the ship could turn or accelerate at unheard of speeds without it affecting those within.
This article by Brian Wang does a good job of summarizing the claims of these patents:
Obviously if these patents work, and those in this community really think it does, the implications are huge. Many believe we have these technologies already, like the TR3B and the Navy is trying disclose this information through the US patent office.
Could the creation of the Space Force be the next step in disclosing this information? Retired Air Force general Steven Kwast gave a speech at Hillsdale college suggesting this and talked up our current technologies and the need to develop more.
Big picture- these advanced technologies along with the Tesla science could completely green our planet by providing an unlimited amount of free abundant electricity to every corner of the world, change travel forever, and catapult mainstream science into a new future.
Viziv technologies has stated that they can transport electricity wirelessly using Zenneck surface waves. Imagine machines generating 4 terrawatts of electricity transferring that via a room temp superconductor to a Tesla Tower then sending that all over the world.
You won't need a battery powered car or ship, only an antenna that could pick up that electrical current. It is absolutely essential to get this information out. These space technologies are not only taking us into the Space Age, they have the potential to clean the planet.
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