Funny thing I’ve noticed in lockdown is the difference between non-disabled and disabled people’s social media posts. Healthy folk are listing all the things they miss (which is honest and great). I hardly ever see it from the people who’ve been missing out for years.
Maybe it’s a resilience thing; if you’re used to having your life restricted, you learn to cope. But that doesn’t mean you won’t still struggle. Hell, they’re the ones dealing with ill health and probably banked months of isolation pre-lockdown which makes it even harder.
I’ve no idea but feel like it might be a reflection of how disabled people are socialised. Healthy ppl are surrounded by clues saying it’s natural to miss their lives - it’s as if it’s socially acceptable for them, whereas chronically ill people are used to having to keep it in.
I’d never list the things I miss in my life, despite the list being long and upsetting and permanent. And no judgement at all to healthy ppl who are - it’s good to! It just struck me it’s an interesting insight into what we see as ‘normal’ for disabled ppl and trauma for others.
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