I see the Japanese have been very dispassionately pragmatic . They have given the UK a Trade deal , full text. 6 weeks to agree or forget it.
It is rather the EU-JPN deal with good bits for UK stripped out.
Liz truss and Raab are in trouble here.
Japanese don't say "6 weeks" .
and not mean it.
As business people and negotiators, as a people, they are courteous, honest to the point of abrupt.
They are deeply hurt by disingenuous behaviour and dislike being misled (as they have been by Britgov).
They remain, at all times, pragmatic.
They see a weak UK.
They value EU -JPN as a paramount European continent deal.
They value the Pacific AESEAN as more important, slightly.
They see UK-JPN as a minor deal if UK is no longer a gateway to Europe.
Japan has become increasingly exasperated with britgov "playing games " and has referred back to its clear and concise missive much as EU finds itself constantly having to refer back to UK promises in its political declaration. https://www.mofa.go.jp/files/000185466.pdf
P.S. to head-off the usual " link ?" questions.
Japan is very well known for conducting business quietly, efficiently and dislikes doing it under a spotlight as people become too important and it hinders negotiation.
There are a couple of journalists based well ) commenting
For context. (as seen from Japan)
I am harsh here.
I see the trade experts getting involved ,as they should. They make a living out of this mess. I do the politics .
Enjoy your time advising how to extract money and advise how to do it efficiently. You never advise to make it go away.
just for fun... if you have a few spare weeks or, like me get paid... the EU-Japan FTA ( not for the faint of heart) https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52018PC0192#document2
I love it is in Japanese and no english translation.
( tis grand to be an ex interpreter and have friends, so it is, to be sure, to be sure )
in 6 weeks the tweetyglobe is full of "bridge over kwai".
hate germans and japs and blacks... The mad english will run out of enemies. Spose us irish are here.. sadly ( for them )we shoot back.
Tis never a good moment to mention UK-JPN allows mega trawlers to fish in the sacred waters of her majestic brittanic waters...
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