Thanks @mizdonna, maybe people will now understand what is really happening.

Hillary was never supposed to lose.


The 2020 events playing out right now have always been the plan.

These events were meant for HRC.

But Trump got in the way.
We must separate out certain major events that have occurred since the election of DJT and put them into two columns for this exercise -

Column A:
Mass Shootings
George Floyd

Column B:
Trump-Russian Collusion
Fake News (ongoing and also is used for A)
Imagine now, if Hillary was President when all of Column A happened. Exactly as we've seen it.

Where would we be right now?

What would have been the responses Hillary would have led on in order to deal with each of these issues?

Follow closely and think.
I'll help you.

Mass Shootings:
2017 Las Vegas
Single biggest mass shooting event in US history
58 people killed Over 850 wounded.
Target... Country Music fans (i.e. lots of 2A fans)

An HRC led response would have led to the most draconian gun control laws ever, 100% no doubt

What were the early measures suggested, taken, and not taken? What would have an HRC led response looked like?

Just look at Biden, Pelosi and Schumer attitudes in February:
Don't be a racist, go to Chinatown
Don't be a racist, keep travel open
Don't worry, be happy.
George Floyd:

Everything that is playing out now, the unrest, shaming, censoring, all of it - would play out same if HRC was President.

An HRC led response to the VIOLENCE, however, would be different than what you may imagine. It would be what everyone expected DJT's to be.
If HRC was President, the violence we are seeing would actually be much worse. Not out of hatred for her, but because she would need it to be worse.

Cities would be on fire for weeks not days.

CHAZ/CHOP zones would be set up in every major city (remember Occupy).
With rhetoric on race inflamed, the violence in the cities would spill out into the suburbs (police discovered arson supplies in neighborhoods🤔).

American Patriots would no longer be able to sit on the sidelines.

Patriots show up with guns.

CUE: A cry for Fed Intervention
The civil war - not between armies, but between citizens is finally happening.

HRC would call for a restore to order and civility.
Obama would join her call for civility.

And so would Republican Mitt Romney.

Message: UNITY
Then HRC would do what so many wish Trump would be doing, send in federal troops to dismantle Autonomous Zones and arrest everyone in the streets.

Declare gun ownership temporarily illegal under National Emergency Powers and well, you know how all this all plays out...
Once order is restored, HRC, our first female President, listens to the people and ushers in every Marxist socialist policy the left has been dreaming of, all...

In the name of safety (Mass shootings)
In the name of health (Pandemic)
In the name of equality (George Floyd BLM)
There was just one little problem with their agenda.
And that is why everything in Column B happened.

They never thought she would lose.

But they went ahead with their Column A One World Marxist plan anyway because they have TDS fueled by FAKE NEWS.

They thought Trump was a dictator and not a Federalist.
Make no mistake about that.

Even your GOP Never-Trumpers wanted HRC to win and for the US to move into One World governing.

They gladly would have sat on the bench waiting their turn. They said as much in 2016. They only want THEIR type of one world government.
Trump is now letting the world see who the Democrats and the Left really are. Marxist, Socialist and Communist who use violence, intimidation, shaming, revisionism, and charm to satisfy their lust for _________. You fill in the motive. But it certainly isn't equality or liberty.
So now what?

Don't take the bait.
Be right with God.
Argue for Unity.
Trust the plan.

And if it doesn't work...
Buy more ammo.

Where we go one, we go all.
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