Some1 in my DM asked me about my Cannabis Cultivation Interests & I’ll share my experience as a Cannabis license holder - We’ve SPENT over R8Mil so far on acquiring it in Lesotho 🇱🇸 including a portion of the land but I can assure u, it’s the tip of the iceberg. A THREAD...
That project alone will need about R50Million just to complete phase 1 because we are focusing more on the high potent extraction of a particular oil of the leaf (can’t disclose). 1of our competitors there has already finalized 70% of the extraction to date.
And have spent well over R600Million from planting to extraction BUT they skipped 1 small step which cost them an extra R200Mil (Everyone is learning at this point). Cannabis Cultivation is a highly cash intensive project but the rewards are great.
At full extraction, the company will make about R1,8Billion in revenue meaning that their profits per annum will be sizable. Problem is, most of the people who get in2 it already have the capital (Previously advantaged) & most of them in Lesotho are WHITE SOUTH AFRICANS!
We as BLACK PEOPLE rely on investors but we have been fortunate enough to have the right personnel in our consortium( Pharmacists, Scientists and Medical Doctors). So, this will reduce the amount of mistakes we are likely to make in the extraction & technical seeding.
By the time we secure the Investors, we will have secured enough technical know-how on executing a good project (not smooth). So, who are the biggest buyers? It’s the Europeans, Far Easters & North Americans (There is a big demand of medical cannabis in these territories)
Getting back to our beloved SA🇿🇦. Our government is finalising legislation to allow for more inclusivity in the space and word is, it costs around R3mil & almost 2 years to acquire one here. Plus it will create more JOB OPPORTUNITIES for our fellow S Africans.
That’s why things need to move faster because all the job losses we have suffered due to Covid-19 could easily be recouped through more employment opportunities in the Cannabis Industry here. What makes it very ideal to grown it in Lesotho?
Why is SA a more desirable destination for INVESTMENT? Our AGROPROCESSING LEGISLATIONS, our CLIMATE, our WORLD CLASS SCIENTIFIC REPUTATION! That’s why the next BILLIONAIRES in SA will come from FARMING! The end.
Please RETWEET this to as many people after reading! It needs to get to as many of our brothers and sisters as possible!!!!!
You can follow @TrevorBZungu.
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