I think that I need 2 compose a blog post explaining w/ examples how OD&D and even 1e AD&D and B/X D&D are not combat simulators & focused on combat avoidance if ran properly.

There is a myth propagated by mainly modern D&D enthusiasts, grumpy older gamers who had shitty...

... shitty DM’s who coddled their players & fostered hack & slash mentalities in them and anti-D&D story gamers.

If you play OD&D (ect) that way you are moments from a TPK. If you play these editions even at high levels this way you earn a TPK.

This is especially true...

.... if you have a competent DM who runs shit properly. No coddling, just run the game w/ proper combat adjudication & that combat SHOULD if goes on too long attract MORE monsters especially if there is a lair nearby.

If I am running it you are dead if you play w/ a hack...

... & slash mentality.

Straight up, Dungeons are dangerous biomes that produce monsters 2 act as anti-viruses 2 fight the invading virus (aka PCs).

The PC is an invader/ a threat 2 the living dungeon & it will defend itself w/ vigor.

The PCs should NEVER feel safe in...

... in a dungeon or the Wilderness.

Balance is a bad word especially in encounters & should be STRICKEN from the D&D lexicon.

Combat avoidance should be EVERY Player’s guiding maxim. Tactical advantage & diplomacy R your friends. HIRE henchmen... DO IT! And thank me L8r.

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