Karen is a term of abuse. Stop using it.
What is the benefit this word provides? Is it easier to spot the bad behavior of entitled white women because of it? Perhaps.

But it is also easier to flatten someone's entire being and life into a single horrible encounter.

Not worth it.
It is clear that the meaning of the word has/is shifting, and it is increasingly being used as a more acceptable version of "cunt".

Whether or not this was the original intention is irrelevant now - words are living things, and this one is growing up to be quite nasty.
It makes me sad how eagerly we seek out witches - acceptable targets of abuse and ridicule, avatars for "bad people" everywhere.

The second you see "glee" and "vitriol" together, you should be wary. Nothing good comes out of turning admonition into a form of amusement.
I'm not implying, as noted well by the comment below, that this word is equivalent to any other - but just that it is, on the whole, corrosive. https://twitter.com/jaysugheson/status/1275491367611842560?s=20
I also find it pretty telling the way people responded to this thread. Mostly predictable "ok karen", but occasionally something like this, which is pretty depressing.

As I said, be wary of acceptable outlets for our worst instincts.
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