Part of the power of being a high decoupler is that you can acknowledge the existence of people who couple or cluster views differently than you do
One good model of debate is that the most popular and defensible positions are just the unacknowledged preferences of the loudest castes
To argue and to use "reason" is often to delude yourself
Argument applies the window dressing of reason to things that are not at all reasoned. It's a pretention to objectivity
By failing to know the limits of reason, by trusting it too much, you can forget how frail your reasoning is and how little you should trust its conclusions
At best you end up misrepresenting your own views in the Excel model you use to choose an apartment or whatever. At worst you lose elections to Trump because you can't understand what any normies care about
The bluecheck illusion: arguments among the bluecheck class select for the kinds of points bluechecks like to hear, so the arguments you see are systematically biased in funny ways
Worse, because they have the appearance of Reason™, bluecheck arguments form a focal point for future discussions, constraining even people who aren't deluded
"performative nuance". if you get too high on your own supply of being the Nuanced and Reasonable one, you just might end up lazy and blind
deciding to be publicly Reasonable and Rational and Nuanced is an aesthetic choice as much as anything, barely more praiseworthy than deciding to be a goth in middle school
if you believe too hard in the aesthetic you adopt, you might let it do too much of your work. just as middle school goths shouldn't offload too much of their trauma processing to their black eyeliner, the publicly Rational need to make sure the Nuance is more than a facade
the same kind of aesthetic offloading happens a lot in activist and radical circles, which is what i was trying to get at with this series of replies
ok back to rationality being less objective than people think, based on this nice thread by @RokoMijicUK
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