If you need something pleasant and soothing, go to your Racial Justice indie bundle on Itchio, find "Just Rain". It's a beautiful rain simulator where you can adjust the intensity and lighting. Available also for $1


Another pleasant game, available in your Racial Justice bundle on Itchio, is Spring Falls. The weather/ environment effects are lovely, and the puzzle use of hexagons (guide the water to hydrate the flowers) is innovative. $7 without the bundle.

Of course, I have to put in a word for Wide Ocean Big Jacket. Wholesome, good characters and funny dialogue, a feel-good game with chill campfire vibes. Short but nourishing. $8 without the bundle.

A game you may find very relaxing is Vignettes, a puzzle game where you shift an item to find new angles that reveal a different item. Love the simple silhouettes and the bright, almost childlike use of color. $8 w/o the bundle.

This is a pixel-art fireplace that you can interact with via type! How cozy is that? You can even play around with words like SMORE, HOTDOG, FIRECRACKER, SUNSET (and many others) to see what you get!

It's in your Racial Justice bundle, and $3 without it

My time with The Stillness of the Wind was contemplative. The routine of taking care of the goats and chickens while waiting for letters from loved ones forms a comforting, though somber, routine. $13 without the Racial Justice bundle.

Mendel is a low stakes botanical sci-fi sandbox game where you breed and grow your own psychedelic and electrically colored specimens in a bizarrely beautiful world. Explore, experiment, take it all in. $10 without the Racial Justice bundle.

I love a smart puzzle game with a calming palette. Lyne is among the best. The object is to sync up lines of connecting polygons. A very simple, quiet, gentle game. $3 without the Racial Justice Bundle.


Full disclosure, I have not yet played Un Pas Fragile but look at that art style. It's about a frog who wants to be a ballerina! A short student project released for IGF 2017, $2.60 without the Racial Justice bundle.

The Floor Is Jelly is another one I haven't played, but the palette is so vivid! And the concept is "action platformer with jelly physics", which sounds fun as heck. $10 without the Racial Justice bundle.

Look at this lovely little thing. Guppy is a 2D watercolor illustrated game where you try not to get eaten as you dart and hide among the lilies in search of food. $3 without the Racial Justice bundle.

If you need something to space out to, try Sandcastles. The game lets you build up sandcastles and watch them wash away in the surf. The fluidity of the mechanics (and the sound of the waves on sand) is immensely calming. $1 w/o the Racial Justice bundle

I find puzzle games to be among the most relaxing bc they're the only ones engaging enough that I can completely detach. Puzlogic is a smart, challenging mix of sudoku and kakuro. You can get it for $3 if you don't have the Racial Justice bundle

This puzzle game combines two of my favorite things: cooking and campfires. Rotate and turn your skewers over a campfire to cook your food to perfection, with several trails to experience and 100 different meals to make. $6 w/o the Racial Justice bundle.

Photography games are the easiest to relax to; they let you zone out and just appreciate the beauty of a virtual environment. ShutterStroll is a scenic walk thru hundreds of generated islands to document at your leisure. $5 w/o the Racial Justice bundle

This Secret of Mana inspired tileset, called Gentle Forest, is meant for people who want to make a game with it. But I think it'd be nice just to put together an animated gif of the woods and a waterfall, just to look at. $20 w/o the Racial Justice bundle

I made this magnificent bird in Bird Bakery, a game (well, custom bird creator) that seems to be free whether or not you bought the Racial Justice bundle.

She beautiful.

I love that http://Itch.io  is unafraid to publish things that are games adjacent but unconventional. Paint Game is an interactive set of seaside illustrations that you can color, like a coloring book. NYOP w/o the Racial Justice bundle

In Quench, you strategically guide a herd of migrating elephants by protecting them from hazards on the landscape by controlling the elements of the environment. Gorgeous, papercraft inspired art and joyful soundtrack. $20 w/o the Racial Justice bundle

If you find cultivating plants as comforting and relaxing as I do, then play Plant Daddy, a browser-based game in the Racial Justice bundle that lets you grow, water and nurture windowsill plants in real-time.

I consider Lieve Oma to almost be a classic. It was also the first game I ever played on http://Itch.io . An unhurried trip through the woods, talking with your grandmother as you gather mushrooms in the fall

Another unconventional but heartwarming thing in your Racial Justice bundle: Desktop Meadow. "Transform your entire computer into a beautiful meadow, complete with birds, flowers, and tiny mail birds". NYOP, check out the trailer.

Wow, I should have saved the words electric and psychedelic for this! This VR project, Lullaby of Colors (an interactive virtual world experience), is so bright I swear you can *hear* these screenshots. $4.20 w/o the Racial Justice bundle

Here's something in the Racial Justice bundle I bet a lot of us could use right now, myself included. This is Deskspace, a self-care app that will gently remind you to take care of yourself, with a mood log, daily task list, break reminder, etc. NYOP.

Garden Match is just a simple match-3 game. But it's awfully pretty to look at. $3 ($1.50 right now on sale) without the Racial Justice bundle.

I am including this adorable-ass game Hidden Paws because if you do not go rescue all these kittens from the snow I am going to cry. 12 winter landscapes, 120 kitties to rescue, $3 without the Racial Justice bundle.

Oops and btw this game is on the Racial Justice bundle too, I just forgot because I didn't download it from the correct page, lol. https://twitter.com/winnersusedrugs/status/1275883720205987840
You may find this helpful. In your Racial Justice bundle is this mindfulness and meditation app that helps you strengthen your internal awareness. Let your single-word thoughts become seedlings, and over time, nourish them as trees. NYOP. https://vismaya.itch.io/kno 
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