This is thread of something you should stop doing in order to live a happy life. To live a happy life you should stop:
1. Hanging out with people who don’t appreciate you, or who suck all the energy out of your life. These kind of people only reach out to you when they need you.
2. Running from your problems and hiding from the truth. You need to own your mistake and problems and learn from that. That way you will grow wiser.
3. Longing for the past and the way things used to be. Some things are a memories for a reason and you have to accept it in order to move forward in life. Some past are good to take as a lesson but mostly it’s all bad.
4. Looking to others to make you feel happy, or believing that “stuff” will bring you happiness. No one should compare their life to someone else that we think are doing better. Make ourselves content of whatever we have right now.
5. Rejecting new relationships because you were hurt, or becuase you were disappointed in the past. Past memories can hurt us deeply but not to the extent that we won’t give ourselves a chance. Be more open to try and accept new things in order to move forward.
6. Being jealous of other people. It’s not a competition. Set some goals, and go for them. Everyone has their own timeline, some achieve goals earlier and some might be later down the road. Don't stop trying, keep aiming high.
7. Holding grudges. Forgive, let it go, and then move on with your life. You don't do yourself justice if you keep having grudges with someone from the past. Although it’s hard to forgive and forget, it’s crucial in order for you do move on to the next chapter in life.
8. Trying to be perfect. It’s not realistic so don’t waste your time. You can look up to someone but don’t copy them to make yourself look perfect. No one can be perfect but everyone can be enough. Don’t lose yourself in trying to become someone else. Being perfect is boring.
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