Apropos of nothing in particular, I would like to briefly address the trend I’m seeing of agents and other cogs of the publishing machine opening their DMs to pitches and portfolios and resumes from Black creatives.
While I am sure it is very kindly meant, I am not getting any warm fuzzy feelings from these gestures.
If you express interest in, for example, hearing from Caribbean writers, but have no experience in entering the space of Caribbean lit fests, booksellers and literature academics - and demonstrate no interest in amending this lack of experience ...
... if your assumption is that such spaces do not even exist, or only exist at a level of quality that should not command your attention ...
... if your idea of outreach is to stay in your comfort zone and invite others to step out of theirs to access you and engage with you ...
... if your idea of help is to mould outsiders with potential to your norms instead of making the effort to go out and learn what other norms have worth and beauty ...
... then you are only looking for tokens, and not addressing the root of the problem. The root of the problem is you. You are insular. You are limited. You are all these things and, unfortunately, still a gatekeeper.
Stop feeling magnanimous about inviting people into your walled garden, and go beyond your gate once in a while.
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