18 months ago, I drew the #1 upvoted comic in Reddit history. The next day, r/comics was CONVINCED I was an alt-right crypto fash trying to infiltrate their website. My crimes were drawing a hand gesture they misinterpreted, and following a few conservatives on Twitter. (Thread)
I was brigaded, conspired against, doxxed. I had only 250 followers here on Twitter. Hardly anyone to appeal to for help, to tell the truth to. I contacted every journalist I could think of, but none were interested. My reputation & freelancing career were virtually ruined.
I retell this story from time to time because I was not, and am not, who the mob said I was. They stalked me for weeks, silencing me by downvoting everything I typed. This was coordinated. They didn't want to listen to my appeals to reason. They wanted a witch to hunt.
Gratefully, my career recovered in 2019, and I'm way stronger following that awful experience. I spoke the truth, and didn't betray myself by apologizing for something I didn't do.

I've drawn a ton of new comics, and met a ton of great creators (and even more harassers).
This experience is valuable. I learned that, to gain anything worth having, I have to rise to MEET the challenge, not expect the universe's difficulty to lower itself. There's no reward without risk and frustration. Free rides and shortcuts ALWAYS have strings attached.
If you're trapped in swamp, don't expect anyone to come rescue you. Gather your strength and push through! You may be surprised by how strong and capable you are when you emerge.

That's all for now, thanks for listening to this story for the millionth time 😋
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