There's this common misperception that Black people have no invented anything so I'm about to dispel that with a thread of Black inventors.

The son of a slave, with only an elementary school education, in 1923, Garrett Morgan invented the traffic llight.
When your produce is transported cross country to your local Publix, Kroger or Walmart, it was Mickingly Jones who invented the refrigerated truck in 1940.
In 1887, Alexander Miles invented the automatic elevator doors which open and shut on its own.

Prior to his invention, riding an elevator led to significant amounts of accidents and deaths.
Born a slave, in 1892, Sarah Boone invented the ironing board.
Born in 1848, Lewis Latimer drafted the patent for the telephone. Being in the employ of Graham Bell, was credited with drafting the patent, but ownership of the patent became Bell's.

He also created carbon filament- the vital component in the light bulb, making way for Edison.
Otis Boykin developed the pacemaker after his mother died of a heart attack. He holds 26 patents for the development of IBM computers, guided missiles, thief proof cash registers among many others.
George Washington Carver was a prostitute at Tuskegee Institute and an agricultural scientist who is famed for inventing peanut butter.
Dr Shirly Jackson invented the caller ID, call waiting and fax.
In the 1960's, Mary Van Britton Brown invented the Home Security System. So, when you're feeling secure with your ADT system, give a thanks to this genius of a sister.
In 1962, James E West invented the electric microphone. So whenever you're making those Twitter voice notes, doing those Podcasts or getting a taste of stardom at Kareoke, remember this brother.
Granville Woods holds over 60 patents. He invented electric railroad system along with telecommunication between traveling trains.
Patricia Bath is an ophthalmologist who invented the laser beam for the removal of cataracts.
Garrett Morgan also invented the gas mask.
Mary Davidson Kenner invented the first sanitary napkin for women and also the toilet tissue roll.

So every month, ladies, honor this sister for this convenience of a lifetime.
Lonnie Jackson developed the water gun which went on to earn over $1 Billion in retail sales, as reported by Forbes in 2017.
Lisa Gelobtor co-invented Shockwave - the technology use in animation creation. So your love of gifs is owed to this sister who also worked on the development of HULU.
Charles Drew an African American physician who developed the preservation of blood plasma which led to the savings of countless lives in WWII. Every times you generously donate blood, its preservation is owned to this brother.
Elijah Mckoy. Every time you've said the phrase "The Real Mckoy" this is who is being referenced. He was the son of two former slaves who fled slavery. He holds numerous patents including lubrication devices that allows trains to run efficiently.
Sarah Goode was a Mulatto born into slavery. She went onto invent the folding cabinet bed at a time when housing quarters were tight. People were able to preserve space as the bed converted other functional uses during the day.
Lmao - my phone changed professor to prostitute. The ghost of George Carver shall haunt me forever.

He was not a Prostitute. He was a Professor and Agricultural Scientist.

I despise this dumb android. iPhone would never.
George Alcorn is the inventor of the X-ray Spectrometer. He was involved with the computer analysis of launched trajectories for Missiles Titan 1 and 2, Nova and Saturn. He was later honored by NASA.
The four AA ladies of NASA who inspired the movie "Hidden Figures" were awarded Congressional Medals. While Joh Glenn and the men absorbed the accolades for going to space, it was these 4 who worked as "human computers" to manually calculate their orbital trajectories.
I would be tweeting forever, were I to include them all. But looka here. A ready made list for you.
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