Timeline of Richmond City Hall attack, 1:27-1:30 AM June 23, 2020 from peaceful to apocalyptic nightmare. Here they start coming at the peaceful protesters.
Then they launch the gas. You can see the protesters retreating and several gas canisters are thrown back at them. Then someone gets shot with what I suppose is a teargas round at 0:26.
Then it turns nightmarish. The police start running and grabbing people who are trying to get away as clouds of gas rise to envelop the City Seal on City Hall. Half a block to my right is Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall's home.
Then it turns to a mob scene. You can hear horrific blood-curling screams from a woman. The light has changed as if there's a fire. I try to film the screams and they come at me even though I'm far away from the protests. I'm not doing anything, just there filming alone.
I am trying to film but a gigantic officer has unsheathed his pepper spray and is walking towards me. The protest on the street was declared an unlawful assembly but I am standing far away from all of it. At the end of the video I catch the police spraying the last protesters.
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This was a PEACEFUL protest. This is un-American and the public deserves to know what is happening in their name.
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