A THREAD: I have a master's degree in music education. I'm certified to teach all music subjects at all grade levels. I've had three tuba playing kids in my home. I have tuba playing friends. I made sound through one once. (I'm going somewhere with this, I promise)
And yet, I do NOT know what it's like to be a tuba player. Yes, I have a master's degree that theoretically allows me to teach it, but to be really real, I DON'T understand it.
You get that, right?
So if you are not Black please don't say "I have Black family/friends so I'm not racist" or "so I get it."
If you're hetero don't use your gay friends/fam as an excuse to say you're not phobic, or that you get it.
If you're cis don't say you know a trans person so you get it.
It is okay is to admit you don't get it but you care and you're willing to learn and listen.
It is okay is to stand up for someone who is different than you and to care about their rights despite you're not getting it.
What is okay is to take action when someone asks you to.
It's okay is to speak up with what you DO know to others who don't get it too, especially if and when they are being racist or homophobic or transphobic or othering.
What is okay is to admit and apologize when you hurt someone or when you recognize your racism or other -ism.
Just make sure you make your apology about your wrong actions and how you'll right them and not about how embarrassed or bad YOU feel. These apologies are not actually about you.
I'm all for band class and tuba playing despite being a choir kid and an elementary music teacher. If I had to teach band I would learn fast but I'll never be an expert. I'm comfortable saying this. I should be JUST as comfortable admitting my lack of expertise about people.
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