Identity politics - a THREAD...

1/ Identity politics is divisive. Its proponents want us all to retreat into narrow groups and stay in our lanes. They are desperate to spark a culture war, breed further polarisation and pit people against one another.
2/ The death of George Floyd seems to have been hijacked by identitarians who have exploited this tragedy and are now using it to further a political agenda which has very little to do with achieving equality.
3/ It is playing on the good intentions of those who rightly want to oppose racism to actually try and sow more division and unrest between different communities.
4/ People are terrified to speak out against the woke identitarians and this only emboldens them. There is no nuance or discussion or scope for any minor disagreement.
5/ “You’re either with us or against us” is the authoritarian mindset. You either stick with the script or you’re hounded by the mob.
6/ But the script changes on a daily basis and even being the most conscientious student or vocal advocate of wokeness one day, does not stop you being cancelled the next.
7/ They should not be allowed to win - there is a great deal more that unites us all than divides us.
8/ The real battle should be between identity politics obsessives who seek to divide society for their own political ends, and the rest of us who don’t see people purely as their race, gender or sexuality.
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