35 years ago tomorrow morning, the phone rang and I was sent to Ireland. A jumbo jet had vanished from radar over the Irish coast on its way from Montreal to Heathrow. It had been blown to bits. For years, Canadian governments treated it as "not our problem." But it was. 1/10
So tomorrow, the 23rd, remember the families of the 331 who died in the Air India bombing of 1985. Two suitcases of dynamite were planted by Canadian Sikh separatists on planes leaving Vancouver. Most of the victims were Indo-Canadians. 86 children. Dozens of Sikhs. 2/10
Yet the plan was to slaughter even more. One bomb flew east and killed 329 passengers and crew near Ireland. The other flew west but exploded at Narita airport in Japan, killing two baggage handlers as they moved the bags to another Air India flight. 3/10
It's long ago but it's never over for the families - especially with an ongoing cruelty they should not have to bear. Imagine seeing the sick glorification of the bomber who killed your kids by fans who openly revere him, even today, as a "martyr of the Sikh nation." 4/10
It's grotesque but there it is: the worst mass-murderer in Canada's history, Talwinder Singh Parmar, is honoured as a hero by admirers at a major Sikh temple in BC - and their apologists still make lame excuses for it. 5/10
It's no big deal, they say - these fans are not pro-massacre, they're just "naive" & think Parmar's "innocent." So they deny hard facts which the accused, the judge, the Crown and the defence all agreed to at the bomb-maker's trial: Parmar led the plot. He ordered the bombs. 6/10
Is it "naive" to deny abundant evidence tested in a fair trial? Or is it just despicable? File it with the "Air India truthers" who say Parmar was an Indian agent sent to bomb India's own plane - so he's both a hero and...an agent of the hated Indian gov't? Huh? Madness. 7/10
Parmar himself went into hiding and was killed by Indian police in '92. So his followers say - see? - he wasn't convicted! Yeah, like bin Laden and every suicide bomber ever. Being dead doesn't make you innocent. Facts don't die. 8/10
Parmar's fans also protest that he was killed extra-judicially. It's good to know they're against such killings. And his victims? Row upon row? Children, grandparents, babies? Sikhs, Hindus, whole families? 9/10
Enough. The excuses won't wash and the vast majority of Sikhs want nothing to do with the vile "martyr" posters of a fanatical killer. 35 years is more than enough. Tear them down. 10/10
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