I’m a white Venezuelan, please stop believing Venezuelan expats about what happens in Venezuela, this people don’t even know what US foreign policy is, they are completely brainwashed, just like zionists, they’ll tell you how much they’ve suffered but they are fascists
They’ll try with some NYT, The New Yorker, Vice, Buzzfeed, WSJ, The Economist, and so on of articles whitesplaining why the US should invade Venezuela to recover their freedom and democracy, these people have beheaded chavistas and burned them alive in their savage protests
They absolutely remain blind and arrogant when it comes to acknowledging that the sanctions kill people, the right-wing media has poisoned them into thinking that sanctions only affect Maduro’s govt officials. Sanctions have killed more than 50K Venezuelans, they are denialists
They can’t even grasp to the notion that the opposition has created a demonization and racist media campaign to turn them into classist reactionary fascists western exceptionalist, to criminalize socialism since Chávez took power, they grew up watching the Venezuelan’s FoxNews
The middle class and lower class diaspora was induced by the media and are a result of US sanctions, the whole currency, healthcare, infraestructure and institutional crisis and deterioration are a result of the artificial collapsed created by the opposition and the US embassy
Just like they did in Cuba, and any other socialist revolution. The upper class Venezuelans are really evil and the liberals of course are a wing of their fascism, imagine the democrats and the republicans fighting against Bernie Sanders who is not even a real socialist
Sorry for the typos but I’m mad af
My family is in Venezuela; they have tons of adversities but trust me they have normal lives, they are comfortable, and the govt has been capable enough to defeat and combat US agressions, all these crisis are designed and the govts keeps to grow stronger and more solid
They’ll tell you about power shortages but they can’t even understand how sanctions prevent the govt from repairing power centrals because THEY CAN’T GET PARTS. The govt is always showing proof of this but the media distorts the truth with more lies to prevent them from realizing
Also the media demonization campaign is also for dehumanization and to invisibilize chavistas, they have made them believe that chavistas don’t exist and that they are truly the majority, if only they knew how much chavistas there are, but they see us as monkeys and marginalized
In conclusion imagine the MAGAS of Venezuela with the Hillary liberals against Maduro. They are ignorant monsters, truly. WE CHAVISTAS EXIST AND WE ARE THE MAJORITY OF WORKING CLASS, POC AND BLACK VENEZUELANS. The support for the govt has solidified even more with US agressions
They can’t even name all of chavismo achievements because they literally think the govt has stolen all the money, truly insane people, chavismo revolutionized the country in infraestructure during the oil boom huge developments like highways and malls, residential etc
The middle class standards of Vzla is way UP compared to other latin american countries, most of them own homes, 3 cars, travel twice a year, the structure of the middle class is very high end and own wealth and property, it’s rare to meet middle class Venezuelans that pay rent
Only in the architecture standards you see the level of quality in constructions that were built from 2000 until 2014 before the currency collapsed, pure luxury in middle class condos, italian kitchenware, marble floors, & yeah this is relevant because they don’t understand this
When the govt gave bonuses to all venezuelans that was the hugest wealth redistribution of our history, everyone bought cars, homes, traveled, went shopping, PAID THEIR STUDIES AND RENT ABROAD WITH GOVT SUPPORT but they forgot all of this, bc they don’t understand the mechanisms
Also lower income and working class people in Venezuela are not like Colombia, Chile or neoliberal countries where they live rented, low class Venezuelans OWN HOMES and have subsidised utilities, literally they pay CENTS for power, phone, and internet access, and GAS
Including rich people, subsidies are for everyone... Despite the issues that have prompted with the crisis; YES THERE ARE PROBLEMS, and the govt has done their best to solve all of this, they think chavistas are satanic people that wants to kill them...
One of Chávez greatest achievements was rent control and Taxes, they made rich people pay taxes, and they cannot throw out people in the streets as easy as in Colombia or Chile where people including diaspora Venezuelans live in TENTS in Santiago de Chile park squares
And you can realize how the diaspora was induced by simply looking at the number of Venezuelans that have been repatriated with govt flights from Santiago, Buenos Aires, Peru, and all those returning by bus from Ecuator and Colombia and Brasil since the pandemic started. Why?...
Simply because they realized how neoliberal countries treated them like garbage and disposable and to this date more than 25K!! Venezuelans have returned to their country and more are still waiting for the borders to reopen. They know they have a home of their own to arrive there
Yes the govt has had fake revolutionaries, traitors, and corrupt people that have been removed from their positions and institutions, and penalized and punished. They of course don’t even know their names because they only watch right wing media outlets...
I come from a conservative family & I’ve analysed these behavioral patterns for the last 5 years, also I’ve conducted researchs on govt repression cases, use of force, etc. all were the bare minimum for the attacks the civil rights of working class were affected by their actions
These weren’t regular protests, everything started in 2002 with the US coup where they probvoked a 3 month oil strike that weaked the economy (purposely) they try to remove Chávez from power but chavistas protested in mass and the military refused to accept the US coup
He was then brought back to power, then the other scarcity crisis on basic products like detergent, toothpaste, toilet paper, milk, eggs, etc were crisis promted by the merchants and corporations to sabotage the economy, followed by more and more strikes of a month or so
They were letting medicines and food product rot inside warehouses and storages to produce artificial scarcity, the govt started intervining businesses and they had to go for other sabotage alternatives, in 2014 they did the first longest riots at the same time Ukranian neonazis
The media portrayed both of these as “fights for freedom” happening in both countries... what a joke. There was when they block ALL CITY streets and prevented people to continue with their livelihoods, chavistas were upset because of them acting like reactionaries and asked for
The military to control their fascist protests... they burned down medical facilities, people, govt institutions, they made life harder for everyone in general, time passed and then in 2017 they did the same for 2 months, failed again, the govt support just increased
Obama declared Venezuela a national security threat in 2014 but the first sanctions to PDVSA were applied in 2010, right when the electrical national emergency started because the govt couldn’t access to US parts for the machinery, what a coincidence
White moderate pundits will try to parrot many straw man arguments of false corruption cases to explain this but it’s just made up narrative to deviate them from the truth of their masterplan to collapse and starve Venezuelans
It is important to know that just like in any other democracy, there are states and cities and counties in many regions where the opposition are the mayors and governors, they are the ones who prevent funding for estructural healthcare and institutions to provoke a crisis
They mismanage funds and turn hospitals into hellholes purposely to receive media coverage, all those articles of “crumbling” Venezuelan hospitals by the New York Times are FAKE; they even make-up hospital rooms to make them look like Yemen, they keep cities dirty too
Just for psychological warfare. The CIA has also prompted crime and kidnapping specially during 2010 to 2014 they had a massive waves of thugs kidnapping rich family members and they even killed one famous artist that visited Venezuela with her Swedish husband in a highway
They turned the diaspora into a trend, 4 million Venezuelans left not only because US sanctions but because the social pressure as “the right thing to do” or because their medications were blocked after 2014 with Obama’s first sanctions (Dialisis, chemos, HIV)
Although many of those who left couldn’t see progress under capitalist countries and now they are back... ironic right?
The Venezuelan opposition members are the rich Caracas families who use to control all the oil monopolies and US corporations, they are a terrorist organization, they produced the Caracazo massacre in 89 where 3000 were killed during a IMF famine that turned into lootings
Ricardo Hausmann, an IMF excecutive along with Carlos Andres Perez, the right wing president of that time. Poor Venezuelans will never forget this trauma, and they do not want US interference. Thanks to chavismo these people gained rights, THEY WERE TAUGHT TO READ
Chavismo erradicated iliteracy since they took power with community education missions where working class people couldn’t even access healthcare or education, they were very marginalized, they also forget about this fact a lot, the poor in Venezuela were/are invisible to them
All these elite Venezuelans that attended Harvard, Georgetown, Washington state and other “prestigious” racist universities just serve to give racism and anti communism a higher veener, but Venezuela is barely socialist, we are still in a social democracy with a war economy lol
They’ll also say how racism is inexistent in Venezuela because they had a black maid who raised them or because they have black friends, lol... they are that kind of people... but hold an inherent racism specially towards black and natives determination of THEIR COUNTRY
White colonizers never ending story... most of them assisted to Opus Dei, American, and catholic schools who colonize their minds too. They are really atheoretical when it comes to understanding Venezuela’s crisis and the opposition geopolitical end goals as evil as they are
They love to call terrorists “political prisioners” but they are treated like VIP kings in the jail and most of them fake diseases right after they are sentenced... others like Leopoldo Lopez and Guaidó walk freely despite all the charges and were privileged enough to comply
Their sentence INSIDE EMBASSIES... they were granted that because the govt wanted to avoid the opposition to create more chaos and destruction and media campaigns against them even though they should all be in prison
We all know also how they managed to take Citgo and PDVSA assets and gold reserves, freeze govt accounts and funds just like we found out last week
I had to leave the country in 2016 right after the big pharma sanctions prevented the govt from supplying me with my meds; before that I would walk in every month to the hospital and receive 3 REFILLS FOR FREE...I have a chronic condition and I will never forgive these fascists
For having me had to leave my country. Luckily I was born in the US but grew up in Venezuela all my life. So I had to move to this hellhole country just because my stupid meds... I wish I could go back everyday and be near my family, but I had no other choice
Never disregard how all the pseudo journalist and pseudo intellectuals operate in Venezuela; they all have ties to Ford Foundation, NED, And other CIA and Fbi networks to produce narratives; to create TONS of dramatic photo journalism completely decontextualized, all pragmatic
All expropiations made by Chávez were to cease all the corruption private industry owners were creating to produce scarcity like Cement, iron, cooking gas and other materials, many of them were after returned, others are still controled by the govt.
Freedom of expression? Just look at any of the opposition press interviews and check how many news channels microphones they have under their mouth lol and covering their bullshit worldwide
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