We review the coronavirus regulations in Wales every 3 weeks based on the latest scientific evidence.

Many have asked about the process behind this, so we've put together a series of behind the scenes videos to go out over the course of this week to show how decisions are made👇
On the Monday before the review, I have a final meeting with our scientific experts.

We look at cases, hospital admissions and NHS capacity, the current R rate and how the virus is behaving in Wales.

This tells us how much headroom we have to make changes to the regulations.
When we know how much headroom we have, Cabinet will consider the changes we want to make.

We always put people’s health and safety first, but we also need to think about other factors, including mental health, children’s education, the economy, and impact on public services.
Our decision must be finalised by Thursday.

I hold a final meeting with our scientific advisors to ensure there aren't any significant changes or new factors to consider.

I also meet with lawyers to make final preparations for the law to come into force the following Monday.
Finally, on the Friday, we will tell you about any changes we are making to the regulations.

Ministers and I will have interviews throughout the weekend to help you understand what the changes are.

The three-week cycle will then start again on the following Monday.
You can follow @fmwales.
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