A common theme I run into as I interview election officials, after the President tweets something misleading or false about elections, is exhaustion
There's your typical fear about the slow erosion of Democracy's norms, peaceful transfer of power, sure...

But I think what isn't talked about all the time is the fact that the thousands of people running U.S. elections were handed a REALLY tough hand this year
Elections are perennially underfunded... And these local and state officials have spent the past few years worrying about cyber threats... And then you layer a pandemic on that, and exponentially increase mail voting needs, and severely hamper your ability to recruit poll workers
It is just SO much to deal with... So when the president tweets things out that aren't true, it's these people who have to spend their days setting the record straight, correcting people.

With everything else they have to worry about; it's another challenge stacked on top
Other safeguards include signature verification, barcodes...

The falsehood depends on people thinking absentee ballots are counted en masse and not connected to voters on the rolls. Which isn't true. Each ballot is verified to have come from someone who requested it
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