Looking for someone I can trust to manage my food factory in Kaduna. Good pay with health insurance. You can steal cause I know you will & I can’t control it, but keep the thieving within 5-10% of the total net profit & we are good.

Pls Dm if interested.
If the stealing is below 5% for the next 4 years & you actually put in real work with results, we’ll offer stock options & promoted to regional manager position in the company with bigger pay, pension etc. Dm, if interested.
Just keeping it 💯. Let’s don’t beat about the bush. If you don’t steal, thank God. If you steal, thank God.
Just being honest. Not calling anyone a thief but if you own a business in Nigeria, you’ll understand my sentiments. It’s hard to find good people you can trust & I have no intention of raising my hopes high to be disappointed. Let’s start from scratch.

https://twitter.com/muheebahtu/status/1275031117964414989?s=21 https://twitter.com/Muheebahtu/status/1275031117964414989
If you know you don’t steal then you have nothing to worry about. Pls apply. Also, pls don’t steal, I’m begging. But if you do, 5-10%. 🙂
Someone asked “what if you get an honest person that doesn’t steal, wouldn’t you suspect them all the time & project your bias”.

My answer: Numbers don’t lie. If they don’t steal, numbers will tell & we will have nothing to worry about.
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