"Systems can't be sinful - people are sinful"


Sinful people set up sinful systems to perpetuate sin.

We rightly recognize that PP puts abortion clinics in mostly black and latino neighborhoods because they target those communities for abortion. Eugenics and profit.
"Abortion is self-care" billboards in black communities are there to reinforce the feeling of hopelessness, but mask it as 'freedom' and 'choice'.

In addition, PP donates to local politicians to help keep pregnancy centers OUT of black and latino neighborhoods.
Those politicians get in office and pass laws to keep pro-life groups from coming into these neighborhoods and offering LIFE as an alternative. California's FACT Act (struck down by the SCOTUS in 2018) is one of a recent line of examples of this.
Let's add to that: promotion of 'safe sex' education in schools divorced from any moral base convinced a lot of teens that it was 'okay'. Condoms back then were around 85% effective at best. You think the abortion industry didn't profit off of this ? It was designed to.
Let's also add in the glorification of sex sans marriage in movies and culture. Never believe that it's just 'entertainment'...they call it PROGRAMMING for more than one reason.

#issasystem. An evil system. Built by evil people to perpetuate evil.
I know ZERO conservatives who have any issue with any of this. So it amazes me when they can spot a system set up to exploit and promote sexual immorality AND rightly point out the "legacy effects" it has on the culture at large, but use a COMPLETELY
....different argument when discussing ethnicity and discrimination.

Here's another system for you: The 94 Biden/Clinton crime bill gave a 3x higher sentence for possession of crack cocaine vs powdered cocaine.
While heroin and the growing meth trade was the drug of choice in white neighborhoods (with ecstacy being popular in the club scene), crack had a foothold in poor black neighborhoods (and even leaked into some middle class ones just like meth did in white middle class suburbs).
Stats come out: "blacks have higher rate of drug offenses"....well, duh. What else did you think this law was going to produce ? Equal arrests ?

Let's backtrack to the 80's and the privatization of prisons. Agreements are made to keep prisons at 90% capacity.
Legislators are encouraged to create laws to ensure that happens (mandatory minimums). Judges make deals to produce more convictions. We already know what kind of 'policing' starts happening in these communities to make things happen - NWA told us about it in 1989.
for reporting racist behavior/policing tactics toward the general public. Y'all might remember me mentioning a friend of mine who is now a US Park Police officer, once worked in this same department and noticed the same behaviors - TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO.
My friend even tried the same 'policing tactics' back then in a majority white neighborhood that he'd seen a white officer do in a black neighborhood. He was transferred in less than a week after several phone calls came in.

#issasystem. An evil system.
These are two 'easy' examples. Theological conservatives who actually take their theology seriously need to sit their political allegiances aside when discussing these issues and approach them accurately and biblically. The effects of the fall extend not just to the
heart, but into the society in general and how men/women interact with one another. Romans 1:30 says that they invent new ways of doing evil. You don' think that includes systems for continued oppression ? If you can spot the long-term and systemic effects that
fatherlessness has on a community in general and you can also spot the systemic and long-term effects that a 'culture of death' have collectively on society, but somehow relegate problems in black communities to personal responsibility, you are being
intellectually dishonest and engaging in willful obfuscation.

It's 2020 and we're STILL dealing with redlining.

That said... yes, we've still got systemic racism. None of that absolves folks of personal responsibility. But don't pretend that it doesn't have a
significant impact on members of the black community and their families - both past AND presently. Yes, folks have worked hard and beat the odds, even working with a stacked deck. But the black family that is *just* managing to join the upper-middle class is only able to
do so in 2020 because they were *finally* able to qualify for the same low-interest loans that their white counterparts were able to get back in the 40's. Meanwhile, the white family was able to grow generational wealth and pass it down to their kids, grandkids and great-grands
over the past 70 years. The black family's grandfather was stuck paying never-ending high-interest mortgages and home improvement loans for a longer period, thus delaying the ability to save for the next generation.

This was when redlining was legally enshrined by the FHA.
plunging folks deeper into poverty, the break-up of homes (finances are STILL the #1 cause of divorce) and the de facto creation of "redlined" poverty zones with dozens of abandoned houses every few blocks.

All this points back to violations of Biblical commandments:

- A denial of the humanity of the people in those areas
- A willingness to embrace greed and exploit those people

This is why I say racism is first and foremost an Imago Dei issue. And anyone who pretends
that our some current social 'systems' (and some corporate and political ones too) are NOT set up to continue perpetuating them is not being honest with the facts.

There's a biblical solution to this. It'll be a blog post.

End. G'nite.
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