Pundits still framing everything on the basis that governments are telling the truth about the 'novel virus' and the novel disease 'COVID19' are not worth listening to, it hasn't even been proven to exist and the alleged symptoms are in no way unique.
So you take a group of common diseases, label them the product of a new highly infectious pathogen, and then prescribe counterproductive 'treatments'--like magic you have the self-fulfilling death-toll without needing to prove the pathogen even exists. A medico-fascist tautology.
Fauci & Co are staging the same operation they did with the HIV-AIDS scam, invoking common symptoms of previously known diseases to falsely diagnose a 'novel viral pathogen' & then 'proving' the tautology via non-diagnostic RT-PCR tests. https://twitter.com/PhilGreaves01/status/1274674444276031490
That so many including experienced doctors & nurses have apparently agreed upon the existence of a 'new disease', despite the fact typical 'covid' symptoms are akin to many many other diseases is an amazing feat of propaganda & nothing more,...
...there is nothing new about the presenting disease, its flu & pneumonia, there are no unique symptoms and there is no scientific evidence for human transmission, the only new thing is the name being given to a false infectious cause.
These criteria have NOT been met to any standard, despite 'the scientists' fairytales. Most importantly, there is no "specific disease" related to alleged 'SARSCoV2' infection, as disease symptoms are typical of pneumonia &/or influenza.
Claims of 'SARSCoV2' meeting Koch's postulates thoroughly debunked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=IoywNPXANi4&feature=emb_title
There is no 'new virus', 'SARSCoV2' has not met Koch's postulates & does not produce novel disease, people are not infecting eachother, they are simply getting the same old illnesses, flu, colds, pneumonia, respiratory disease, etc, then being deliberately mistreated & killed.
You can follow @PhilGreaves01.
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