When walking I’m usually head down, searching for wildflowers. And there are so many right now. These are from the weekend. Starting with an artist’s favourite. The teasel.
Another spiky offering, and emblem of Scotland, the thistle.
Wild ivy. Insect optional extra.
Not the same insect. Honest. The flower is cow parsley (do correct me if I’m wrong)...
Dog rose.
Field scabious (I often mistake these for cornflowers from afar)
I’m not sure what this is - thought it was cowslip (bird’s foot trefoil) but the orange threw me. But it does seem to be a type of cowslip.
This seed head is gorgeous. Possibly a meadow salsify.
Not seen that many foxgloves but always a delight. Poisonous but the drug digoxin - which treats heart conditions - is also extracted from the plant.
These are lowkey but lovely close up - campion.
Personal favourite - and let them grow wild in the garden too - field poppy.
I’m pretty sure this is a nettle flower (not totally smartphone focussed) and while we always stay clear due to the stings, the flowers are like orchids and beautiful.
I have no idea what this one is - despite a search - can anyone help me out?
This is common toadflax though it’s not that common near me - which is why it caught my eye.
Mallow in the meadow.
Rose bay willow herb. A wildflower that reminds me of my childhood.
I loved this patch of woodland as it was filled with both pink and white cow parsley. And there are always butterflies and insects around.
I’m a big fan of oxe eye daisies and thanks to @sciencebase I now know the insect is Oedemera nobilis. Swollen-thighed Beetle, Thick-legged Flower Beetle, False Oil Beetle...
How can your heart not sing on seeing a bunch of daisies?
And finally viper’s bugloss. Borage family. Stunning close up and name ‘viper’ either from its snakelike spotted stem or shape of flowers. Gorgeous. All these flowers seen on two walks this weekend. Head down everyone. Share your wildflowers with me please.
I’m adding a few more as just back from a cycle and spotted a few more beauties including these pink musk mallows on the edge of a common.
Honeysuckle in the hedgerows...
And one I had to look up - with a name nowhere near as cute as it looks - bladder campion (due to that inflatable bit below the petals).
Related to the thistle, a greater knapweed.
Another couple of wildflowers spotted after today’s cycle. Another childhood one that I don’t see as often today - purple clover.
Buttercups everywhere. I used to hold them under friends’ chins to see if they liked butter. If they did there would be a golden yellow reflection. There always was...
This could be tansy - but may double check.... There’s also a flower that is proving really difficult for me to identify but in the meantime...
I’m pretty sure this is hedge bedstraw. Now for that elusive wildflower...
Ok - the nearest flower I can relate it to is a fritillary. But if anyone know for sure please do let me know :)
Here's a good source to check your wildflowers on - it lets you sort by colour and petal shape etc. https://wildflowerfinder.org.uk/ 
And another photo of the possible frittilary...
Another wildflower that I am having difficulty identifying... but the next one took me by surprise...
Yes, it’s not a wildflower but these berries in a hedgerow caught my eye during a cycle and at least I know it’s holly!
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