At least I can sleep peacefully at night knowing antis will NEVER succeed at their goals. They’ll never stop problematic fandom from existing (it’ll just go underground), they’ll never run industry artists out of work over fiction, none of these things will ever happen.
No matter how much anti-shippers try to regress society and put a ban on all the content they find “icky”, this is something that conservatives have been trying to do for centuries and they’ve never succeeded. It is an unrealistic goal with no real method to even reach it.
The inherent need to explore the taboo in a controlled environment is just human nature. Humans are complicated and messy, and complicated and messy things happen in the world, so we are going to have thoughts about it and want to make sense of/explore it. And no, it doesn’t need
to be done in private because there are many people that need to delve into these things or who are also positively impacted by others making this kind of work when they cannot themselves. Sometimes you learn new things from viewing others’ works. As long as it’s content warned
so the viewer can consent to seeing this content, and people who do not want to see it can avoid it, there is no issue to be had. This content deserves to exist no matter how much it makes you repulsed to acknowledge these realities about the world, because these things don’t
stop existing because you think you’ve successfully censored art. Successfully censoring art is not possible, art is too subjective (antis don’t even agree amongst themselves on the lines and they vary widely) and you will only do massive collateral damage to the people and
communities you claim to be protecting through this censorship. Considering artists who get run through smear campaigns over fiction can still at least retain decently large followings is proof most people know this stuff is bullshit. The only ones who go along with it are
either the abusers seeking that control, or scared or brain-washed followers or people who just don’t want to get harassed so passively stay quiet, and I cannot count the amount of accounts i’ve found that ae antis liking problematic fiction in secret to not be harassed/found .
Antis will never win. Their goal isn’t obtainable because it goes against the very nature of what it means to be human, to be a complex being with complex thoughts and experiences taking in a complex, messy and both beautiful + disturbing world and needing an outlet to process it
So you have a choice: Keep harassing, doxxing, suicide-baiting artists in the name of “protecting the kids”, spoken like a true conservative, and solve nothing except hurting others, or be REALISTIC about the situation and that this content will never cease to exist, that you can
never know everyone’s personal reasons for exploring it and that the people who indulge in it are not abusers or predators (you cannot spot one that easily), and maybe work with pro-shippers on figuring out how fandom can be made safer through placing appropriate boundaries
so people can be safer. Advocate for safer platforms, content warnings and education on what is and isn’t ok in real life because you cannot censor art.

Otherwise your goal to silence + run out creatives will never be successful. You’ll never win, only hurt many innocent people.
You can follow @skyshaymins.
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