Let’s talk for a moment about Covid effects. Not death rates, which are horrific for sure. Not long term health effects, also horrific. Not the cost of health, also also horrific. But collateral effects.

My husband is a warehouse manager for a company he likes working for.
They’ve done a good job supporting staff and it’s s small, closed environment where they can do social distancing. They wear masks. It’s a pretty good gig in this pandemic.

But . . .
A warehouse in another state had to shut down for a few weeks because employees there tested positive for Covid. All their business was redistributed to other warehouses, which makes sense. But now those employees are working extra long days, pulling almost twice as many orders.
The company has been great. Gave them all bonuses. This is not a complaint about the work or the business.

The other day both of my divorced parents talked about going to different stores in different states and a lack of stock.
That’s because the supply chain at every level is being impacted by Covid. Workers are out sick. Places shut down because multiple staff members test positive. DEATH is not the only Covid impact. It is by far the worst, but it’s impact is much larger than we discuss.
A local eyelglass place had to shut down because every single staff member got sick. Several local restaurants as well. And sick often means incapacitated for weeks, for some people it has been 2+ months.
So if you are only looking at death numbers for the US - and ours are high and getting higher every day - you aren’t seeing the entire picture. The impact of far reaching and truly devastating.

So wear a stinking mask and change the way you live your life for a while to help.
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