Pagans don't have faith, we have SCIENCE. When we get sick we don't pray to Jesus and wait for a miracle. We gather herbs, we make tinctures, and we heal the disease. ....but Túrin why is Science so f*cked up today? Let me explain....
All the Ancient Pagans practiced a form of Science. The Greeks and Druids taught it in their schools. They observed Nature and they looked to Nature for ALL the Answers. They believed NATURE was all and they rejected the idea of a Super-Natural anything...
...Yet because they understood that Nature was Sacred they never took too much from Her. They never abused their knowledge and they had strict rules and taboos on doing so. "Do no harm" was their motto and they made sure no harm would be done...
...By carefully vetting their students, often for decades. The Druids would make sure NO PSYCHOPATHS could join their order or learn the secret wisdom. No Oppenheimer types amongst their ranks...
...Their focus was primarily on healing and protecting the fertility of the Earth. NO POLLUTION. Druids could make you "Aspirin" from Willow Leaves and other such herbal remedies just as effective as modern Pharmaceuticals. They were NOT Technologists... how did we get into this mess. This technological terror came about during the Renaissance. The Industrial revolution. We had a revival of Pagan Science (Natural Philosophy) but...
...We did not have a revival of the Spiritual ideas of Paganism. Christianity stopped it. (((Merchants))) subverted it to make profits off of industry. Nature was NOT sacred. Nature was cheated, robbed, and raped. Just like the Bible commands...
...Knowledge that should have been protected and guarded by initiates and properly trained druids was given to anybody with enough $$$ and Greed to patent and profit from it. Our Sacred knowledge the fruit of Natural Philosophy used and abused...
...Natural Philosophy had become decoupled from its Pagan source. It was now ready to become "Science" as we know it today. A means to an end. A tool for greed and genocide...
...more (((merchants))) jumped into control the knowledge and make sure it always went in their direction. They even planted False Prophets to make a Science into an Kabbalistic Cult. Every point of view is equally valid duuude, its all relative...
...This was a misinterpretation of Jules Henri Poincaré's work on "Special Relativity." Later the (((Einstein))) would create General Relativity and finally destroy Natural Philosophy by hopelessly joining Space and Time into the nonsensical Space-Time.... that brings us up to speed. We now have a cult based around (((Einstein))), whom is now the Jesus Christ of Science. Science is nothing, but a tool of the Military-Industrial complex to help (((Merchants))) rape and pillage GAIA... let's make Science Pagan again. We observe Nature and understand it. We don't try to cheat it. We treat Nature as sacred and we must "DO NO HARM."
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