Enough is Enough! It has got to be the number one issue addressed by African countries! There’s no betterment of Africa without respecting the human rights & human dignity of Women’s & girls. The culture of silence in a way came with colonialism before women spoke up & stood up! https://twitter.com/RAbdiCG/status/1274598319206129665
My grandma who’s in her late 90s who speak of Nilotic people literally being naked and walking around with no sexual attachment to it once so ever until the British & Egyptians & Ottoman sexualized nudity that’s the culture we see today.
Rape, molestation in her time was punishable by severe beating plus reparations in the criminal family wealth, vanished from the village or town or death. These were the punishment for rape culture. Women & girls were taught to speak up about these things!
Because the villages were tight and close but crime was crime and the elders in the village decided the punishment for rape or any other crimes that happened within or outside their own village because such crimes were roots of what started inter-clan or tribal warefare.
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