Look again at that freeze since 2014. Strange how some who complained bitterly about the fares freeze being bad for TfL's income never said same about the congestion charge.

Six years of freeze. Across two mayors. And 15 years over which the charge got cheaper in real terms! https://twitter.com/StopCityAirport/status/1274054283470741505
If people are complaining that the congestion charge is deterring them from driving in central London the charge is... doing it's job!

The whole point is not to create a charge you pay to drive, it's to encourage you to do anything other than drive.
We knew in 2017 from the evidence base of the current Mayor's Transport Strategy that London's congestion charge hours were not long enough to control congestion. https://twitter.com/nuttyxander/status/877453123039756289
A certain Boris Johnson (can't think where he is now) said right at the end of eight years as Mayor in which the charge was made easier and cheaper to pay in real terms that the Congestion Charge in London should go up.
We have been here before. When the congestion charge in London came in, people prophesied doom, and the media found easy stories in it.
The same happens when you cut traffic or add facilities for safe walking and cycling. Doom never seems to materialise... https://twitter.com/nuttyxander/status/727186507430240257
TL;DR - people are making a lot of noise about my congestion charge set high enough to discourage driving explained by the fact I've set it high enough to discourage driving.
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