7 laws to build wealth from the book - The Richest Man In Babylon 👇

Follow these and you can only succeed!

🔹Start thy purse to fattening.

Pay yourself first!

No exceptions.

Aim for at least 10% of all income and over time those small deposits will stack up and become a significant amount.
🔹 Control thy expenditures.

Be frugal. Spend wisely. The lower your outcomes the faster your wealth building will be accelerated.

It’s far too easy to increase expenses as income grows but this is the worst thing you can do.
🔹 Make thy gold multiply.


In yourself.
In assets.
In other income streams.

Then with the power of time and compounding interest, you can sit back and watch your money grow at a rapid speed.
🔹 Guard thy treasures from loss.

Investing can be risky & you should take great consideration with HOW you invest your money.

If the returns seem too good to be true... they probably are.

Risk is a huge aspect of wealth building & should be at the forefront of everything
🔹 Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.

Ensure that where you are living makes sense financially. Are you living above your means and overpaying rent? Stop.

Buying property? Think about the price, mortgage rate and potential value further down the line.
🔹 Insure a future income.

Ensuring you have income generating in days, weeks, months to come gives you great security and allows you to build upon all previous laws.

This will see you through rough times and allow you to have security in life no matter the situation.
🔹 Increase thy ability to earn.

Build on how much and how often you get paid. The more opportunities you have to earn money, the faster you will see your wealth grow.

This is now easier than ever! Twitter, blogging, YouTube, E-Books, Flipping - the list goes on.
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