“ Some Democrats have begun pointing the finger at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), saying he's been consumed with down ballot elections at the expense of promoting Biden's bid for the White House.”
We were told to support Biden *because* of the down ballot.
“The Democrats, who are not affiliated with the Biden campaign, say Sanders needs to do more to make sure progressives fall in line behind Joe Biden in November.”
After making zero concessions to progressives and shoving Sanders, Warren, and the rest out of the race—
We are told progressives aren’t doing enough to get Biden elected. Maybe they should talk to the Biden campaign about that, since progressives were told their votes were neither needed nor wanted. The Biden campaign is being paid a lot of money to get Trump elected.
Maybe the Biden campaign should work harder, not progressives.
“While they concede Sanders has done more to help Biden than he did in the 2016 race for then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, they still say Sanders needs to use his influence with his supporters to ensure they turn out, as well as donate to Biden's campaign.“
Surely his fracking, banking, and credit card card companies can help him out here, as well as the upper class liberals who support Biden. Dig deeper, middle-aged professionals! Give up your avocado toasts! Donate to the billionaires’ favorite liberal!
“ "He should be out there every week reminding his supporters of what's at stake," said one Democratic strategist. "He needs to start mending fences now. Not two or three months from now. Anything less isn't good enough."
Hillary, is that you?
‘“Philippe Reines, a longtime adviser to Clinton, said that the biggest area of need from Sanders is on the fundraising front. In one event, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) raised $6 million at a virtual fundraiser for Biden.”’
Here is the important part, in the eyes of Democratic strategists. It’s not about unity, it’s about fucking up Sanders while he tries to elect progressives because D elite can’t stand democracy:
“ Sanders has been extremely active in recent weeks in working to elect progressive members to the House and Senate.”
“The latest Quinnipiac University survey released this week found Biden leading Trump by 8 points nationally, with 93 percent of Democrats saying they'll support Biden.”
Wtf are they doing? Trying to alienate progressives even more?
While I am very glad that Biden’s people are not attacking Hispanics, it is odd that they concentrate on progressives who overwhelmingly promise to vote for Biden instead of worrying about the Latinx vote.
“The Quinnipiac survey found Biden at 57 percent support among Hispanics, who broke for Sanders in the primary. Clinton won 66 percent support from Latinos in 2016, down from former President Obama's 71 percent in 2012.”
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