people in gen z have like 7 addictions percolating in our dopamine receptors at the same time since infancy without even being aware of it at all and then be like “why can’t I function”
social media, infinite visual media on demand (Netflix, YouTube etc), video games, porn, genetically modified frankenfood, what else?
when u realize that many of these function as substances in the brain, the same way as actual drugs like cocaine (which destroys lives), and that they were intentionally designed to affect us this way, and u learn about what addiction it’s self DOES to people... things make sense
oh yeah and turbo charged THC weed that everyone argues is “not addictive” but also won’t quit using despite its effects on mood, anxiety, and motivation for many people. 🤔🤔🤔 might piss people off with that one. but I’m in the same boat y’all.
and the worst part is that because WE don’t know it’s happening, the adults in our lives don’t know it’s happening. this is a major generational divide. adults have no idea what this generation is going through with MASS ADDICTION.
gen X and older: no, you are not imagining it. gen z really is more depressed, more dysfunctional, less motivated, more emotionally erratic, more irritable, more isolated, more GLUED to our screens than any other generation in history. but it’s not our fault.
Oh don’t forget stimulants for [symptoms that are diagnosed as] ADHD and benzos for anxiety.

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