Owning up to a mistake or issue you have caused, apologizing, and doing the work to do better will always be more valuable than the opposite.

Everyone has had to own the consequences of their actions, whether minor or major. [Thread]
Outside of certain issues, a lot of things can be forgiven. Own up to them.

Ex. Cardi B--apologized for a transphobic comment, then went OFF defending a young trans girl a few months ago.

She owned her mistake and learned--and then acted on it.
Doing the work shows you to be more valuable as a person and capable of growth.

No one owes you forgiveness, but the only way to potentially get it is to own what you did, apologize, and take action. Learn. Grow.
CW: triggering violating word.

1. Everyone has lines on what they will or won't forgive: I think rape is unforgivable. This post is not about that subject
2. I do believe that behaviors like transphobia/racism can be unlearned. It's hard to overcome prejudice, but it can happen.
3. It also depends on what you did. Someone saying "omg I'm tanner than you" is more likely to be forgiven than someone wearing a MAGA hat and screaming kill the negros.

4. I do think racism, for white folks, is a lifelong thing to struggle with. It is a word for---
4. (cont.) a lot of things and can be used for any taught internalized prejudice of a marginalized race. Being racist doesn't mean you're a Klan hood wearing murderer, but can be a range of learned and internalized behaviors. These can be unlearned, but it is a constant struggle
5. This is much the truth with any internalized bias. We all have them. I will always struggle with internalized self-hate because of absorbing racist stuff from media and the world at large against my people. That's my struggle, and the struggle of many other black folks.
6. Just like with any subject, you have to be a beginner to learn. You just got called out for something you did? Own up to it, apologize, and start learning. That's where growth comes from. That's how people mature.
7. No one is too old to learn this. If your racist grandpa can't handle it, fuck him.

8. Most importantly--those you are cruel to do not owe you a nice education. No one owes anyone kindness in the face of insult or cruelty. They may react harshly to you--and that is their right
9. If you cannot handle that harsh truth, and double down instead of learning--you are even more in the wrong. Marginalized folks owe you nothing. If you learn after being read for filth, chill. It still isn't on them to hold your hand and kiss your boo boos
10. Black Lives Matter, Black Trans Lives Matter, Stop Calling the Cops on Folks for Existing, Believe Survivors. Recognize the struggles of the Disabled. Support Sex Workers. Reading up and learning why all of these matter is a good starting step to being a good person.
Aaaaaand thus ends my rant lol
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